Immersive Monet Exhibit, Yoga with City Shred

The Immersive Monet & Impressionists exhibit is now open in Denver & offering yoga classes by City Shred. City Shred is a Fitness + Wellness Community that organizes events for life athletes.

Lighthouse Art Space

Immersive Monet Exhibit

We arrived 15 mins prior to our scheduled class and headed inside the exhibit. We brought our own yoga mats & water bottles. We laid our mats out, began stretching and waited for powerhouse yogi, Aubry Marie to begin class.

Yoga with City Shred

Aubry led us through 15 minutes of breathwork and 15 minutes of yoga. While Aubry was teaching, artwork was projected on the 360-degree gallery walls to music. The Immersive Monet projections brought us through an exploration of vibrant colors from Monet’s water lilies to Degas’s graceful dancers.

Powerhouse Yogi, Aubry Marie

Big thanks to the Immersive Monet Exhibit, City Shred & Aubry Marie for hosting us.

Check it out babes and let them know that denv.her. sent you! xx

Immersive Monet - Denver

  • Address: 3900 Elati St, Denver, CO 80216

  • Buy your tickets HERE