Chapter 6, Who Is Grogda?

After Breckenridge, our friend group's relationship with Lauren was deeply shaken. It was impossible to maintain a sisterhood with someone who informedly and actively made the decision to stay with such a repugnant human being. We did the best we could to keep the friendship afloat, but the connection was simply drowning in unaddressed issues.

So what does someone like Lauren do when their friends (with VERY good reason) hate their significant other?

You could apologize and make the situation right; but Lauren was too socially inept to initiate conversations to mend.

You could make new friends; but Lauren was too awkward for that task.

So what's one to do? Lauren did all she could do. She circled back to an old friend she had left behind. Someone who didn't know Gary & didn't know anything about the horrible things he had done.

Enter Grogda.

Grogda and Lauren were best friends when I met Lauren. Lauren ultimately cut Grogda out of the friend group. Why? Because (eloquently putting it) Grogda is a woman of ill repute.

Now I'm not here to sl*t shame, so let's lay the facts bare and you all can make your own opinions.

When all of us were friends with Grogda, she started cheating on her husband. A couple months later, she filed for divorce. She continued to cheat on her husband until the divorce was finalized. Once divorced, the sleeping around continued. With all of the sleeping around, Grogda soon found herself in a "predicament" with a guy that was her future second husband's best friend.

Escapades comparable to that of a bad Lifetime Movie.

Let’s continue.

Grogda addressed her predicament then started dating her second husband; let's call him Jim. While dating Jim, she cheated on him (no surprise there). Lauren was there when this happened and texted us about it:

Sidebar - Lauren mocking Grogda for isolating herself with Jim & having no friends? Karmic irony. Lauren would find herself in the same situation with Gary, three years later.

Grogda's depraved acts combined with some petty ones made Lauren end her friendship with her.

Once Grogda was cut out, we never really saw her or heard from her again. One day Lauren struck up a conversation with us about Grogda getting engaged:

Sidebar - Lauren making fun of Jim’s teeth?

Lauren…what about your teeth??

Pot meet kettle.


Now I feel like I have to address Lauren's hypocrisy in this entire situation.

Lauren acted all high and mighty in her judgments of Grogda's indiscretions yet Lauren wasn’t without a slew of indiscretions of her own.

Lauren had a revolving door to her bedroom the entire time I knew her.

What was even worse, was that Lauren was passing a certain something to her lovers without their knowledge.

So if you're asking me, I'd put Lauren & Grogda in the same category of debased promiscuity. Albeit Lauren isn't a cheater but she has no leg to stand on in being the morality police either.

Spring of this year, I sent Lauren a picture that came up on my timeline of Lauren, Grogda and I from 5 years ago.

Lauren’s response about seeing a picture of us with Grogda:

“Omg I forgot about her!!”

Fast forward to




Grogda is the friend present at Lauren’s engagement.

To Be Continued.