

that was a long little hiatus from the venting, wasn't it? 

But IMO, 2020 is dark and twisty enough without my added bitching; so I'll try to keep this introspective vent as short & sweet as possible.

2020 is laying on the dark and twisty thick...and I mean THICK.

We're in the middle of a pandemic, it's an election year, there are killer bees flying around, and the Pentagon dropped some alien sh*t on us. 

That's a lot of wrong going on.

& in light of all this wrongness, I know a lot of people who have been trying to combat the negative with positive.


It is me lol.

& while the world is seemingly burning down around us, the least we can do is be nice to one another and attempt to show the utmost human decency that we’re capable of . But I’ll warn you, sometimes it doesn't matter how nice and decent of a human you are. Some people will find a problem with you anyways.

Let's take a look at a wittle situation shall we?

One of my best friends went through a break-up. 

Normally as soon as that break-up becomes a reality for a girlfriend, I have an axe to grind with their ex. Like, I really don't even care if their ex hasn’t done anything wrong lol. If my friend doesn't want you around, neither do I.

Bitchy attitude? SURE.

BUT as I alluded above, 2020 has me all on that ‘being a nicer person’ shiz and I’ve turned over a new leaf…sort of.

On my mission to become the friendliest little girl in Denver (ew gross), I remained pleasant AF to my friend's exttttt boyfriend - let's call him Ero - for months.

Over those tedious months of keeping a smile on my face and pushing niceties through my teeth, it started to become apparent that it didn’t matter how much I was promoting this harmonious front. Ero definitely still had a bone to pick.

Ero thoroughly disliked that we were so close with his ex. & that dislike, that animosity still brewing from the break-up, was going to be directed towards someone…no matter how nice they were being.

So we're at a party, and I see Ero come in. I go over to say hello. Ero's back is turned so I lightly tap him on his shoulder:

"Hi Ero!"


(no movement, no acknowledgment)

"Hi Ero?"



(still no movement, still no acknowledgment)




(voice & tapping much intensified)

Ero turns around with SEVERE displeasure lol lol & he begrudgingly acknowledges my apparent annoyance of existing:


We then exchange the most cringey, awkward-turtle side hug of the decade. 



But seriously guys!!! What in the actual f*ck lol?!!! I didn’t do anything?!!!! Like, legit for once in my life, I didn’t do anything at all to this mans lol lol!!!

So here I am, this SCHMUCK, that has bent over backwards to be nice to this ass and he's legitimately going to snub me for no f*cking reason. GREAT. JUST GREAT.

I was 100% put out by this turn of events so following Ero’s insulting rebuff and side hug from hell, I followed his lead and we ignored each other for the rest of the pahhhty. 

A couple weeks later, Ero and I see each other at another party. This go round, I ignore Ero from the get go; and of course, he continues on in his new little pattern of ignoring me. Neither of us acknowledge each other the entire day…except I may or may not have pretended at one point like I was going to Spartan kick him down the stairs when he wasn't looking...

because I am an adult...

& this is Sparta.

Sometime after that party, Ero unfollowed me on Instagram. 

Because Ero is also an adult. 

Really, we're all just the epitome of matureness at this point lol.


Lesson learned? Even if you try your darndest to be nice, it certainly doesn't guarantee that anyone is going to be nice back…or that they’ll like you.

I'll leave you with the following quote from Dita Von Teese:

“You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches.”

Till Next Time.